March 10, 2025

2 thoughts on “Yoruba Youths Congratulates Buhari, Osinbajo and 29 Governors.

  1. These riff-raffs represents no one but themselves and nobody takes them serious except themselves
    We have enough experience to know that these characters were handy men of those quislings and a programmed to muddle the water of Yoruba self determination struggle abinnito

  2. Buska this is about the se purity of the Yoruba Nation it must be taken seriously.whoever they are doesn't matter. The brought an idea let's give them a trial until we get a better idea. To condemn them is not civil. We should all support their motion. When it comes to security politics should be thrown out of the window these bandits don't care what political camp you belong. Everything should be done to flush them out of Yorubaland. We recognize the Hausas and Fulanis that have been living among us from time immemorial.we know their sabos and Haas they are peace loving people. It is those nomadic bandits going about on motorcycles loaded with AK47s that we need to flush out. All hands should be on deck. Oodua yoo gbewa o

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