The Platform College, Ipaja, has won the 2022 Science Olympiad Tournament in the Junior Secondary School category in Lagos State.
The final competition took place at the Anchor University, Ayobo, Lagos, and had three categories, the primary category; the junior secondary school category; and the senior secondary school category. It was titled, ‘Leaders for a sustainable future.
The Director, Platform Schools, Mr. Bola Obe, explained that the aim of the competition was to produce students that were proficient in science education, adding that one of the factors that helped the students to win the competition was parental support.
Obe explained that the philosophy of the school was to be the best in science education and mathematics.
‘‘Basically, we want to meet international standards. That’s why we blended the British and the Nigerian curriculum.
One of the things we do every term is that we bring consultants to train our teachers. We also have different clubs; science clubs, literary clubs, music clubs, and JET clubs.
Apart from what they learn in class, through the clubs, we drill them and introduce them to advanced areas of their interest. We introduce them to international questions in their areas of interest. We show them some complex science experiments; like how to build simple machines, like blender, pressing iron, and the general process of building tools. When they belong to any of these clubs, it helps them to be ahead of others.’’
A consultant to Platform School, Mr Olusegun Akinsanya, said, ‘‘One of the factors that helped them to pass or to excel to this stage of the competition is parental support.
The Director of the School sponsored the project which is quite expensive in hundreds of thousands. He wants the school to be ahead in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Education, he is not profit-centred but he wants the school to be known for its excellent performance in science education.’’