TORONTO — More than one million Canadians voted during the first day of advance polls for the federal election, Elections Canada said Sunday.
The agency reported a preliminary estimate that more than 1.3 million votes were cast on Friday.
Advance polling ran through the weekend, and will continue with a final day on Monday, ending at 9 p.m. local time.
This represents a slight increase over the turnout on the first day of advance polls during the 2019 federal election, the agency said. In total, there were a record 4.7 million votes cast at advance polls in 2019, up from 3.65 million in 2015.
Canadians have also been able to vote for weeks at any Elections Canada office via the special ballot process. Votes will be accepted at those facilities until Tuesday at 6 p.m. local time – which is also the deadline for registration to vote by mail.
After that, the only way to cast a vote is to attend the assigned polling station on Sept. 20.
More information on voting methods is available on Elections Canada’s website
Thanks for your patience over the first days of advance polls. On Friday, our first estimates show that more than 1.3 million Canadians cast their ballot in person. That’s more than on the first day of advance polls during GE43! #ItsOurVote #CdnPoli #Elxn44 (1/2) pic.twitter.com/0d6QMg6YqD
— Elections Canada (@ElectionsCan_E) September 12, 2021