October 19, 2024

2 thoughts on “Constitution Review Is Voyage To No Where-Gani Adams

  1. Dr.Otunba Gani Adam have spoken the mind and believed of majority progressive and intelligent reasonable people of this country. May God continues blessing your wisdom with enough courage and God willing to lead our peoples to the promised land. Our politician were the hindraces to Nigeria progress, they don't mind turning this county into war zone because of their selfish interest except we populace decide to give them trouble they deserve.

  2. Aare (DR) Otunba Gani Adams, knows the pain and agony the masses go through, day in day out. And he feels the pain also, because he is in the position to listen to the bitter experiences of the populace, and his members everyday. God in His infinite mercy, will continue to guide and protect you, Sir..
    It's better for the Nigerian Government to listen now, before it's too late.. Because, Nigeria's unity was already being threatened, if it's not restructured now, all hell is going to break loose.. Mind you. The Regions that are being marginalised, will never stay silent or idle anymore.. Some critical issues that was being address at the 2014 National Conference should be implemented. And this can be achieved by restructuring, like resource control, devolution of powers, state policing amongst others.. Restructuring is the best solution, and the way out for Nigeria's problems now.. Nigerians are no fools. We know that, most of the present crops of politician occupying the senate and house of Assembly, the state Governors, Ministers, DG, Justice, L.G. Chairmen's, are benefiting from the present system of Government. And they knows that they are going to loose their influence, wealth, and illegal financial income if Nigeria is restructured. And that's why they are campaigning against it. But mind you, Nigerians as grown beyond lies and fooling. With the growing state of threats, counter-threats, tensions and emotional out burst, ethnic violence, etc, as shown that Nigerians are tired of this "contraption", called Nigeria..

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